What started as an experiment has become a social movement. Words like fish farming, chicken coop and alternative energy don't normally evoke an image of the inner city. The Urban Farming Guys are changing all of that by working from the inside out to build a united community, improve education, create jobs and lower crime in the inner city of Kansas City.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Valerie Kime

    This is thrilling to me! Everything about this project is inspiring. Wondering about your source of funding for projects? Also wondering how it might have transformed the neiborhoods?

  • andreas spiliadis

    we are going to do this in bmore. this work is revolutionary. yous are brilliant.

  • Angela

    Doing something in an urban environment which is self sustaining. That is really the key.

  • matthew

    aswome project, i have been inspired to learn more from this video.... i just hope one of those stray bullets doent make its way thru the biogas generator, and the whole project goes KBLAMO!! Muhaha....kidding, as far i could see the biogas generator was made of plastic, so hopeful no sparks....

  • Ruth Berrios

    The reality that we can make a difference now and in the future. Blessings all of you and to your endeavor.. I may join you soon!!

  • Shiva

    U t truly holy souls of this world guys.

  • Christopher Pinckley

    This is amazing! The knowledge displayed here exemplifies the concept of 'Sufficiency'. Wow, I am impressed!

  • Sandra G-W

    I LOVE fish. I grew up with my father going off to work with fish in tanks just like that for scientific purposes. I want to grow fish to eat and share JUST LIKE THAT. sandy

  • David McHugh

    This is my passion. God bless you. David.

  • Admin

    Vrinda - You may want to take a look at the website for The Urban Farming Guys: http://theurbanfarmingguys.com/ If their website does not have the information you seek, you may try using the forum that they have set up to answer questions.

  • Vrinda

    What inspired you about this video? Helo, I am from India, can I have all these details in writing so that I can start everything as small scale business in Indian districts. my email ID is vrinda.one@gmail.com Vrinda Manjeet

  • SharOn

    The growing of fish and food together in a small space... changing the world by example... ALWAYS VICTORY! Love and Light!!!

  • bilkis yusuf

    shows how we all can work to change this world and shows the way to people how they can make their lives better and in return also conserve and preserve the environment for generations to come. i pledge to do my best as a teacher to make the children understand the environmental issues

  • Helene

    Wonderful work. I can see this happening all over the country..the world..very inspiring..thanks for putting this out so people can see what's possible! I want to include what you are doing in an upcoming project of ours..Thank you so much! We'll talk....



  • jane

    Seeing people of all ages, races, skills and background come together, with very little money, to make a difference. And they do. In ways that help neighborhoods and nations. It's beautiful to see . . . and truly encouraging and inspiring!

  • gloria osborne

    All of it--the community, the goals, and all the permaculture principles being used to create a green , sustainable world--fuel, food, livestock, compost--in limited space. Reminds me of the videos "Permaculture: The Growing Edge" by Starhawk and Donna Read and "The Power of Community: How Cuba survived Peak Oil" by Faith Morgan, et al.

  • richard

    I have some experience in hydroponic growing and have carried dream for some time to have a open source food supply for our community. I live in a extremely conservative city where new ideas are viewed with suspicion how ever this is a project that might gather interest. I live in HotSprings,Arkansas and wonder if there are any local folks that might communicate

  • pnwsuzie

    It's like a Peace Corps offering for an inner city in the US. I LOVE that you are living in the inner city you hope to change for the better, not just coming in from the outside and trying to teach. I'm inspired to do more for the greater good with gardening. Thank you for sharing this.

  • Arlan

    Together we can create aA United World -www.aunitedworld.net/united

  • regina

    please consider captioning your videos or providing a text for the 36M deaf americans in order to be inclusive. thank you

  • Page 1

  • Follow the Urban Farming Guys' progress online and show your support by donating, volunteering and sharing with your friends.
  • Discover your own inner-innovator to save water, the environment and money with an easy, fun and eco-friendly Do It Yourself (DIY) project at Green Upgrader.
  • Eat out at a restaurant that supports local and sustainable growers. Find them at the Eat Well Guide.

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