A film by The Kindling Group.

Jess Markt was going into his second year of college and was a high jumper on the University of Oregon track team when a spinal chord injury left him a paraplegic. He understood that he could dive deep into despair over his new future or he could simply embrace the challenge. He chose the latter. As it happened, Jess decided to take-on not simply his own disability, but also the traumatic disabilities of a very special group of people: Afghans crippled in the violence of the U.S. war against the Taliban. Watch as Jess helps to build confidence and purpose in a group of men who, quite literally, have had the ground taken from beneath their feet.


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  • Kayhan

    Thinking positively of what we can do contrary to what we can't do opens the door to more possibilities.

  • Curt Fulton

    Amazing courage , positive , the challenge you see on screen for many is just the beginning . Best wishes to all , I wish we had a wheelchair basketball league around here . Take Care & Best Wishes , Curt Fulton .

  • Carrie

    So many people can't see beyond their own American culture and miss the beauty in knowing we are so much like other races and cultures.this kind of video opens the heart.

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    so inspiring! es indeed, there is such potential in all of us when with our Empathy, we see the human being and we see the possibility! :) Thank you so much for sharing Jess's Story and the HOPE he is creating as well as the Connection to what is often seen as "the other". There is no Other, only Human. <3 Thank you! HUG, Kristin (a Storyteller, who also shares the Story of Resilience, Connection & Possibility!)

  • Gloria

    Amazing inspiring people. What an attitude towards life's difficulties!

  • Larry

    The determination on the faces of the players. They are earnest to excel.

  • Brian

    Thanks for the reminder Guys! Love is love. Let's keep building...peace

  • Adeline

    The strenght, power and beauty of the human spirit to overcome obstacles. When human being would have reasons to be depressed and feel really down.., but in act of sheer determination decides to bounce back and UP!!..and then to share the experience with others..Wahh! Wonderful!

  • Patricia Silva

    Thank you for sharing!! I feel inspired to cooperate more and more for a better world.

  • Tanja

    I feel humbled and inspired by how determined everyone involved is to turn away from despair, and to focus on what works, what they have, what comes from the heart when common bonds are forged.

  • Deepak

    Thank you very much . Awesome . Nothing is impossible in this world , provided one has the inner strength and determination to face the challenges and overcome it

  • Ronnie

    What Jess did was "redefine meaning" in a life that turned from comfortable, competitive, successful and easy to one that was tragic, depressing, fearful and hopeless. It took him a few hours, then a few days, then a few weeks and then a few months, but then----he found his new meaning and he lifted himself from despair to service! Jess sought out paraplegics from as far away as he could- Kabul Afghanistan- and brought them new meaning and a new life via what Jess knew best- sports. To me, people like Jess are the real teachers, mentors and coaches of life….I salute them in body and soul!

  • Kayhan

    What inspired you about this video? To see the depth of despair to the height of hope in the eyes of the players.

  • Col Ramesh Pathak

    Pavi Mehta's grand uncle Dr V. His incredible story of how Arvind became the largest eye care facility in the world.

  • MichelJoy DelRe

    People never lose their ability to dream!!

  • Betty Banks

    Truly grateful that Jesse decided to be a friend of the Afghani people, to serve, be human, and share fun. Just wish the written intro to the film was honest about the orgins of the war. It was the Bush U.S. policy and now Obama that has created the misery. We could have responded with non-violence to the Taliban, instead the oil companys and Bush ravaged a nation.

  • phuong

    I am moved to tears by this video. It reminds me that when we suffer, we are not alone. These people found each other across continents. When we suffer, we gain the opportunity to move forward to being more courageous people and to share that courage with others. I love how vibrant and heroic all these people are!

  • Page 1

  • Meet some of the players in the film trailer and follow the story on Jess Markt's blog, Afghanistan Wheelchair Basketball Project.
  • Listen live as Jess describes his inspiring adventures on a ServiceSpace Awakin call on 9 August 2014 -- and ask him any questions you might have.
  • Ponder your biggest disappointment.  Can you embrace the challenge?  Now, figure-out how to help others in your situation find the positivity that you just discovered!

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