A film by Green Renaissance.

Eva and her family live an isolated life on the remote island of Stóra Dímun, in the middle of the North Atlantic Sea, with the occasional helicopter visit their only connection to the outside world. While they are geographically isolated, Eva states that she never feels lonely. Eight generations of her family have lived on this island, with children seeing first hand the full cycle of life all around them. Summer and winter are both enjoyable to Eva, who feels rich because she gets to be a caretaker of the natural life here. She rejoices in the “many small good moments” that make up her days.


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  • Nancy

    Life is sharing and caring from the bottom of your heart every minute every day.

  • Kris

    The quiet and the focus. The focus is always the land and the beings who share the land. All responses are truly related to life, living, and the balance of doing and being.

  • K. Srinivasan

    Amazing video and incredible. No rat race and greed, jealousy and numerous mental afflictions as is obtained in city Life. But what about education for children's

  • Brian

    Thanks for sharing Team. Peace be with U

  • Paulito

    If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.

  • Sandip Sheta

    Nature..... Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better

  • bassam g

    waw goods place to life

  • Julie

    an imposing view of a beautiful life on untouched nature island; nature living how rich, simple and strong can be so far away from artifical flushes and waste and noices..... A very special wonderful and respectfully life interconnected with all others

  • Mary Pepin

    This offered e such a moment of peace and serenity. Thank you

  • Cheri

    This story was awe inspiring. So beautiful!

  • Lois

    Eva's sense of full contentment and the inbounding connection to the natural world is inspiring.

  • Rachael Denny

    Very interesting....

  • SW

    Gorgeous job!!! Gorgeous place! Gorgeous life! 🙏🏽❤️👌🏼

  • Catharine W-P

    Good to see people so in harmony with their natural world. There's more film and photographic info about the "stóra dímun families" to be enjoyed -- just google that phrase and enjoy exploring in greater detail. This piece is fascinating and thoughtful -- "Could I? Would I?"

  • Melinda

    I too would like to know who all lives there, and how many children are hers? Great video glimpse. Thank you. She is so full of gratitude!

  • J. Magill

    These people have certainly chosen to live an uncomplicated life. I admire them. I don't think it would be possible to suddenly adopt such an isolated life after living more mainstream. Those 8 generations certainly would ground you to the spot and give comfort. I'd like to learn more about the legends that exist there. I'll bet there are wonderful stories.

  • Joan Taylor

    This is a beautiful and well directed video. Inspiring! I realize in a six minute piece you can't describe everything, but the question that loomed big for me was: As she is isolated on that incredible island, how did she meet her husband, and have children? Same question for those gathered around the kitchen table. It would be good to get a glimpse of this...even in a few sentences... Thank you for this wonderful film

  • claire

    the simplicity of her life, her proximity to the land, and her deep contentment are so moving. There is a lot to learn from her life and what true sources of joy are.

  • Sarah McMahan

    It is about love -- love for the land, love for the weather, the animals, the family [?}. It left me with questions: Who are the others living there?

  • Page 1

  • See more spectacular images and learn more about life on Eva's island home
  • Explore the work of the film makers Green Renaissance
  • Eva is living a life she loves. How would you respond to these questions her story raises?: How would you like to live your life? Are you doing what you love?

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