WORKING TOGETHER AS A COMMUNITY FOR THE SAKE OF FUTURE GENERATIONS AND THE SOLIDARITY AMONGST THESE WONDERFUL WOMEN I SALUTE THEM and by working in with Nature not Against her and using locally sourced natural materials and sheer hard work and will and LOVE
Mary Ellen Williams
What inspired you about this video? I was inspired by the construction the women were doing with their bare hands and feet, and their commitment to taking care of the natural environment for their welfare and for future generations.
Women together Achieve Successfully If we behind with them.
Kristin Pedemonti
this is what courage and real change look like rather than data sets on a piece of paper: locals seeing the challenge, working together in a small dedicated group in their own community doing nothing super fancy, and in doing so making a HUGE impact. I wish more development agencies would share these types of stories! <3 Thank you!
Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change their world!
Sneh Patel
Women power!!
Agata Siembida
Very inspiring, thank you!
Love how women did the work together
This video proves how dedicated people can create REAL change. Real change happens on the ground by real people, by practical example and not illusory idealism!
Wow! So inspiring!
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