Luzuko Madonci wanted to be a lion when he was a child. His friends laughed at him. And yet as an adult he has indeed developed the heart of a lion, exhibited by his joyous wholehearted laughter, his confidence, and his courage in the face of trials. Having overcome childhood trauma, he has learned to embrace his emotions and to see pain as a helper, a teacher, a residue of something good that is happening.


 Your Name: Email:
  • Sharon

    Wisdom strength, personality, tranquility…a great presence of “being”

  • Polly

    Just so beautiful in every way, and such a good reminder of the importance of processing pain.Thank you for the inspiration. x

  • Kristin Pedemonti

    Luzuko Madonci shares wisdom in such a beautifully authentic and easy to relate to way. It felt like poetry straight to the heart. Thank you for reminding us to be ourselves ♡

  • Sandy

    such dec truths that speaks like a Lion. Absolutely pure wisdom. Thank you!

  • irene

    Oh man , you shine! Keep on giving your SELF to this poor world - it needs you.

  • ms

    He is soooo deep! everything he speaks resonates very much! Hope he writes a book

  • Jo-Neal

    What a beautiful young man! He has figured out something that so many people never figure out in their entire life. I send him blessings and warm wishes.

  • paul

    The narrator is so engaging, believable, fresh, authentic and purposeful. The visuals, rhythm, music are so appropriate wrapping words with reverence and extra dimensions of meaning. Well done...a very deep well.

  • Kris

    I celebrate you, Luzuko Madonci and your beautiful, resilient, lion heart!

  • Lori

    His deep sincerity and outrageous smile and laugh. I loved how he spoke about pain being a door to open and explore in order to promote your own lion heart

  • Margaret

    Society in general does not encourage us to sit with pain. We are taught to shun and ignore it. We live with the mistaken belief that by doing so the pain will go away. It never does. Sitting in silence and exploring the pain, its origins and manifestations is necessary to help move with and through it. When I taught yoga, I encouraged my students to breath into the tightness in their bodies so that they could help to relieve the uncomfortable. Release only comes with consistent awareness and effort.

  • ziarosa

    The timing of this video is amazing-I've been wrestling with an injustice to a cause for wild animals that has been breaking my heart and filling me with uncertainty. Hearing Luzuko Madonci's telling of embracing his lion nature really resonated and filled me with a new perspective about being true to oneself and understanding that the pain we usually avoid and think of as an enemy can help us expand our understanding of a vulnerable place that might transmute our suffering. Beautiful and touching video. Thank you so much for posting.

  • Bruce

    There are no obstacles on the path...the obstacles are the path...

  • Roseanna

    Self acceptance stands out for me in Luzuko's attitude. Thank you

  • Page 1

  • Read about the skills necessary to deal with anguish and allow pleasure to enter your life. 
  • Watch another person's reflections on pain and becoming who you are meant to be. 
  • Reflect on Luzuko's comment,"The best gift I can give to the world is myself." How do you embody the best gift that you can give to the world?

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