This animated story about a young boy and his unlikely new friend is the graduation work of MFA student Yawen Zheng, who wants to bring peace and positive energy to this world through her animation. This lovely tale, set to the rhythm of the rain, will touch your heart with its sweetness. Enjoy!


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  • Cherie Hall

    The sound of rain has always brought calm to my mind. Movies use rain as a pivotal point in the story line. This story touched me in a very powerful way and shifted my focus from busy-ness to calm and centered focus on kindness and how to multiply it in my own world in small and simple gestures. Your vision and artistic talent are a benefit to our world.

  • Debra

    Incredible. Beautiful message, and such a great audio and visual of the rain, which I truly love, and which grounds me in a sense of peace in the world. Thank you!

  • Ping

    Simple act of kindness that does wonders to the heart! Thank you for the beautiful work. Great music too!

  • Brian

    Thanks Team. Nice story, and music. May the World be patient and kind with one another. Every little effort counts. Peace on Earth.

  • Terese

    Beautiful in its touches us all. Thank you.

  • Pat

    Beautiful story; Beautiful music; Beautiful lesson!

  • Sagar

    Loved the small attention to detail and the beauty of the message. Thank you for creating something beautiful!

  • Rosemary

    Thank you for something beautiful this day.

  • Diana

    Great work. Thank you.

  • Jeanne

    The "inversion" use of the umbrella...then the gifting and gifting back. Lovely feelings of what is possible, if you look at things from a different lens, or upside down through the same lens.

  • Charlotte

    Your video filled my heart with sunshine! Than you.

  • Ranjeet Deshmukh

    Lovely animated story with soft music in background.It inspired about the friendship. The value of rain water , a garden of oneself ! Save water.....

  • Yada

    It was just what I needed this morning, a lovely story about what life is really all about: sharing, taking care of one another, giving.

  • Jeremy

    The total innocence of the message.....which is such a rare commodity in this world now......

  • Bob Thomas Jarmusz

    A beautiful tale. very peaceful, simple surroundings, the music calming. The message: A kind deed is often returned in unexpected way.

  • Brenda Riley

    The gentle sound of hope and tenacity of children to reach out to others. It certainly brings peace, a smile to my heart through the animation and sound effects. Well done. I will pass this on to my daughter who is a principal in an elementary school. She always cares about the souls of her children.

  • Nina

    so lovely , so beautiful story about connection and caring that comes so naturally

  • Barbara Reynolds

    Beautiful! I shared with my daughter who's spirit animal is the fox.

  • Suzanne Zeman

    So precious! I loved watching, and will do so again. Thank you.

  • Lisa Rosenkoetter

    Just wonderful😊

  • rene

    Lovely! Beautifully drawn, evocatively paced and just sweet enough.

  • sheila sinclair

    too exquisite for words.......

  • Tim

    I always enjoy stories about kindness. Random acts of kindness can change somebody's world...even in the slightest. Kindness begets kindness. I want to share this with my wife who is a 2nd grade teacher. I think her kids would enjoy it, and it could lead to some very positive discussions. Wonderful little video.

  • yvonne

    Friendships grow as do the flowers when they are watered with loving care.

  • gloria

    simplicity and tenderness of the story. really cute little boy. beginning, middle and end. wonderful design, sound, and color. congratulations.

  • Sandra

    So lovely. The art work is wonderful and the music too. It made me smile. We all need to be kind to each other and helpful.

  • Page 1

  • Tell Yawen Zheng, the creator of this video, how much you enjoyed her beautiful work! Visit her website to say hello.
  • Water is a precious resource. Visit WaterUseItWisely for 100 ways you can conserve water.
  • Next time it rains in your area, take a moment to close your eyes and appreciate the gift from the heavens. :)

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